Dual Era Drive

The Dual Era Drive – 60s British growl pushed with 80s LA mods
A vintage sounding drive designed to offer the sonic characteristics of Americanized British amplifiers; from glassy crunch up to balls-to-the-wall searing distortion.

This all-analogue circuit design comes with two gain voicings covering decades of driven deliciousness
The lower gain circuit is voiced to get you classic sounds reminiscent of the late 60s, early 70s. The higher gain circuit should get you in the realm of the back-to-basics unpolished rock guitar sounds reintroduced in the late 80s, early 90s. A pinch of brightness is added with lead tone in mind.

The Gain Shift switches between the two gain circuits
The lower gain circuit is a Plexifier giving classic growl with that little extra je ne sais quoi. The higher gain circuit feels like an additional gain stage on steroids with heaps of sustain while retaining clear note definition; it adds presence and harmonic distortion for more bite with a tighter bass response versus the slightly spongier feel of the lower gain circuit. Easily helps you slash through the mix; use it when that certain part of the tune requires a lift, or as an always ON.

Yours for €240 + shipping

This pedal is currently built to order, lead time is approx. 3 weeks.
Send me an e-mail to set things in motion.

Use is pretty straight forward
Push the buttons, twist the knobs, do your thing


The Dual Era Drive is best used in front of a tube amp on the edge of break up. This versatile pedal is highly responsive to playing dynamics and cleans up nicely when you roll down the guitar’s volume.

Features & technical thingamajigamies
An all-analogue circuit design with genuine old-stock Fairchild transistors, each carefully biased to its sweet spot for best sonic performance and unparalleled mojo.
Signal chain eye-candy aesthetics of understated elegance; alluring knobs, a gorgeous bright jewel light, and no nonsense black artwork on an aluminium canvas.

DRV / CLR / LVL / ZZL rotary controls:
– DRV controls the amount of drive
– CLR controls the colour (brightness and saturation) of the tone
– LVL controls the overall output
– ZZL controls higher gain sizzle and amount of sear
True bypass ON/OFF
Gain Shift toggles between the two gain circuits
Dual colour LED status indicator

Sturdy die cast aluminium alloy enclosure
Heavy-duty chassis mounted jacks, pots, and switches
Hand-wired, through-hole PCB construction
Dimensions: approx. (W x D x H) 10 x 12 x 5,4 cm
Weight: ca. 400 grams

No user serviceable parts inside

Requires an external 9V DC negative center pin power supply*
– Current draw typically less than 5mA

* It is recommended to use an industry standard 9V DC center negative polarity isolated power supply (2.1mm plug, center pin negative >100mA)

This pedal is backed by a limited lifetime warranty against defects in craftsmanship and internal malfunction.
It is built to last, and it will with some TLC; every so often caress it with a soft cloth to remove dust and beer stains.