Hi, I’m Iskander, the noise box maker behind mellow mint.

This all started with modding my Cry Baby, and after that a gazillion other effects.
Pedal tweaking evolved into amp tinkering, mostly inspired by Marshall-esque circuit designs.

Upset neighbours made me pursue that “je ne sais quoi” at more moderate sound levels.
I came up with a circuit able to emulate the sonic cues plexis are known for and my Plexifier was born.

Plexifier EB#03 1547

Sold a few, had to take this to the next level. Now I offer a range of flavours, from clean to mean.
I truly enjoy the pedals I create and I’m confident you’ll enjoy them as well.

mellow mint is a small operation
Each and every unit is built by me with the utmost care using the finest quality components available.

mellow mint musical equipment
Btw-nr: NL003862071B26
KVK-nr (CC): 83712453